How to Eliminate the Odor After Your Cat's Poop

by pidan

As a cat owner, dealing with the odor after your furry friend has done their business in the litter box can be unpleasant. Luckily, there are several ways to eliminate the odor and keep your home smelling fresh and clean.


How to Eliminate the Odor After Your Cat's Poop


  • Scoop the litter box regularly
The most effective way to eliminate the odor after your cat's poop is to scoop the litter box regularly. Try to scoop the litter box at least once a day, and more frequently if you have multiple cats.


  • Use an odor-neutralizing litter
Consider using an odor-neutralizing litter that is specifically designed to eliminate unpleasant smells. These litters often contain baking soda or other natural ingredients that absorb odors.


At pidan, we offer a variety of odor-neutralizing litter that are designed to keep your home smelling fresh and clean. Made from natural tofu and cornstarch, our innovative cat litter is able to absorb moisture and lock in unpleasant odors, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.


  • Add a deodorizer
You can also add a deodorizer to the litter box, such as activated charcoal or special litter box deodorizer products, to help absorb odors.


  • Use an air purifier
Consider using an air purifier in the room where the litter box is located to help eliminate odors and improve air quality.


  • Consider a litter box with a cover
A litter box with a cover can help contain odors and keep them from spreading throughout your home. Our Igloo litter box's semi-enclosed structure provides privacy and security for cats, while trapping unwanted odors inside.
Igloo's entrance corridor is carefully designed with a leak-grid to prevent litter leakage.


  • Use essential oils
Some essential oils, such as lavender or eucalyptus, can help neutralize odors. You can add a few drops to the litter box or use a diffuser in the room.



By following these tips, you can eliminate the odor after your cat's poop and keep your home smelling fresh and clean. Remember to always use safe and non-toxic products when cleaning your litter box or using essential oils, and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat's litter box habits or health.

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